Home Flooring & Roofing Points to Consider When Installing a New Roof

Points to Consider When Installing a New Roof


Your roof is arguably the most important part of your home, no one can live in a house without a roof over their head. Here are some points to consider when installing a new roof.

Knowing When to Replace the Roof

There are times when your roof just needs some repair work, other times you’ll find that your roof is be too old and dilapidated for repairs and requires a replacement. Either way, the only way you’ll find out is to contact quality roofers in Fulham or wherever you are living in the UK. Generally, you’ll probably know yourself when your roof needs replacing. Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Is the roof leaking?
  • Does it look worn and old?
  • Are you missing multiple shingles?
  • Has it been badly damaged after a storm?


Many homeowners consider re-roofing their roof to save some time and money, but this isn’t advisable for several reasons. Re-roofing is when you lay a new structure over an already existing one.

It is never a good idea to re-roof, it doesn’t give your contractor the opportunity to carefully examine the structure. If you don’t properly assess the roof, there could be issues you are unaware of.


You want your roof to last well into the future, so it is essential that you speak to your roofer about material. Do your best to ensure they work with high-quality affordable material that will last for decades.

When you need an expert to help with roof installation or repairs, consider the points mentioned above to help you choose the best roofer.