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Enhance the Elegance and Beauty of Your Home by Updating Old Glass Tops


Glass tables are essential in the living room. The same gets said about glass coffee tables and tables in general. They provide aesthetic value as well as provide various functions in our living rooms, dining’s, and outdoor activities.

It is easy sometimes to find tables we have used for a couple of years still lying around somewhere. An old glass table is always a treasure to behold.

Contrary to what people think about glass tables in general, not every home need to ditch them because they are scared their kids would break them.

Glasses itself have gone through an enormous transformation that has seen it evolve to being better suited for the rigorous work it got made for in the home. One of which is, curtailing injuries in terms of accident and dealing with the abuse by kids much better.

For example, tempered glass is a type of glass that is used to decorate glass coffee tables tops because it is far more efficient in dealing with accidents and more tolerant before it breaks. The intense processing it passes through before coming out as a finished product is quite different from any glass you have seen.

So, it is quite easy to find an old glass table hanging around somewhere in your room. But how can you enhance it to suit your style?

How can you enhance the Beauty of old Glass Tables?

There are many ways to remodel or repaint an old table with glass –

One of such methods is repainting. As we all know, glass can get mixed with other materials like wood, steel, aluminum to give it a finishing touch. For that reason, we can repaint an old table with glass and wood.

Repainting a Table with Glass can take Two Forms;

  • Repainting the top of the glass
  • Repainting from underneath the glass

Repainting the Top of the Glass

Finding the right color that matches the theme of your room is very important If you hope to get the best use of the table.

Most primary colors work very well with tables. The central theme of the room is the most important, though. The glass will need to get cleaned if we’re to carry out this venture.

A careful application of a cleaning towel and chemicals will go a long way in keeping the surface prime for the painting. Vinegar can gets used along with other glass cleaning product to give it a finishing touch after it dries off.

Apply acrylic paint of any color of your choice. Before that, you can decide to apply a primer to make sure the painting sticks and bonds very well. Use a high-grade brush to apply the finishing for there to be faint brush strokes.

Allow the painting to dry or apply a second finishing if the coating isn’t adequately covered up.

Repainting From Underneath of the Glass

Sometimes it’s better to repaint from underneath the glass on a table for the transparent nature of the glass to reflect the painting underneath.

Place a rug, cotton, or thick fabric on the floor before turning the table upside-down. Make sure no part of the glass top of the table is touching the ground to avoid scratches. Clean the underneath with vinegar and a towel and try off immediately after use.

Apply acrylic paint once or twice depending on the texture and coating of the paint when first applied.

  1. Replace Glass Table Top With a new One

Old tables with glass can sometimes carry scratches, which can be very difficult to remove no matter the amount of adhesive used to mitigate the effect.

To help bring the table back to life, replace them, especially if they are held together with wood.

Careful measurement of the old glass will reveal the right side of the new glass to use as a replacement. It is much easier to cut and replace a glass together with wood than others that holds other materials.

Replacing your glass on an old table will allow more light to illuminate in the room because glass is translucent. Glass allows bright lights seem a little bit brighter in a place offering it more space.

  1. New Glass Fit Better with other Furniture

Having an old glass for your table might make you look like an ageist, it wouldn’t give other furniture the complement they deserve. The new glass will not only complement different pieces of furniture in the room, but it will also enhance your overall decor and make you no longer willing to replace other furniture.

  1. Keeping a new Glass Cleaner is Easy

No one loves wiping an old glass because there are so many stains caused by scratches, debris, and dust that has made it lost its value. Wiping a new Glass, by the way, is pretty straightforward. Glass is not as corrosive as wood – a light towel can clean any glass effectively.

  1. Customized new Glass

Old glass can stay the same way for a long time and any attempt to cut or reuse it might cause severe damage to it. The new glass, on the other hand, can be customized into anything the user can think of to further enhance its beauty on any material.

Many homes are now trying to incorporate glass into their glass tables because of the enormous benefit it provides. Also, because it is costly to overhaul or replace an old table with glass completely, it has become paramount to find an existing solution to a lingering problem. A bad glass top can signal a lot of unwanted attention to the room or the owner in person.

Glass has often been used as a means of protecting other materials used alongside it in a room. For example, a wooden table with glass is more durable than others.