Home Home Improvement Qualities of High-Quality Tiles You Should Consider When You Plan To Purchase

Qualities of High-Quality Tiles You Should Consider When You Plan To Purchase


Tiles made of stone may have some of the same properties as ceramics, such as friction coefficient, porosity, and stiffness, but they also have their features, such as true color. Furthermore, tiles are assigned grade numbers, which can indicate anything entirely different, based on the tile type. E.g., ceramic tile grade 1 is a delicate tile, while stone tile grade 1 is a high-quality tile. Therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity, we will only apply to stone tiles when addressing the features of tiles in this necessary document. Here are a few features which can help you pick the best tiles to match your next remodeling project.

  • Grade: Stone ratings can only come with three options, based on the method used by the manufacturer. Usually, grade 1 is for stone tiles of premium quality. Class 2 is for tiles with minor flaws, such as cracks or bruises. And grade 3 is for tiles with significant defects that render them suited for decorative parts only. Since the grading system ranges from retailer to retailer and can also apply to other attributes such as height, form, or tile thickness, evaluating the program and what it indicates at each retail outlet is a good idea. Sometimes though, when a tile is ungraded, through its prestige, you can still learn something about consistency.
  • True Color: Stone tile projects require large quantities of content in a consistent tone of color. Usually, you’re searching for a medium to rich dark brown tones when you buy high-quality tiles, as that would be the true color synonymous with this commodity and its marking. If you see any shades of green or purple, those tiles wouldn’t have any true color and could mess up the final project. Therefore, you’d want all your tiles to get a standardized look with the true color planned with the name associated with the color of your tiles.
  • Porosity: Porosity shows the pitting degree and the divots you might have in the block. It is also correlated with a tile’s absorption level, because the more porous a stone becomes, the more water it will retain. For example, travertine is more durable than sandstone but smaller than granite. Yet stones with plenty of pitting and uneven textures, like travertine, are also appreciated for their textural beauty. Granite is non-porous but is also known for being untouched by liquids. What contributes to its visual appeal are the anomalies in this sandstone surface.
  • Hardness: Hardness of stone can give you a taste into hardness. The scale of the strength of the Mohs will let you know the toughness of various materials. It is a scale from 1 to 10, with the softest rating being one and the hardness of the diamonds reaching 10. Granite is usually 6, which is slightly more complicated than the medium. The stronger a substance on the scale, however, the tougher it is, and the more robust it is. So if the tiles are being scored on the Mohs scale, you can get a good idea of the tile’s consistency too. Slate (between 2.5 and 4) is typically harder than marble and calcareous (on the scale, between 3 and 4). Next, travertine falls a little further on the size, varying from 4 to 5, and then, sandstone and granite, increasing from 6 to 7. That may differ from tile lots, however, so if the lot has a toughness mark, take a look and see where it goes. If this is less than usual, it could be tiles of inferior quality. Limestone provides a particularly nice option in a shower, where water is absorbent and smoother than marble on the bare feet.
  • Static Friction Coefficient: Many may often consider this particular feature “slip resistance.” The static friction coefficient defines how slick a tile is and can help you decide which material works best in the bath or around a pool. A minimum SCOF of.5 is being required by regulation for achieving slip resistance. However, depending on the finish, if the stone is textured or tumbled, you may raise the SCOF for travertine from a normal.4 or.5 to.7. The scale extends to 1.0 all the way. Only make sure that the SCOF is being taken when a tile is wet, and not cold if your design is like a bathroom in moisture-prone areas.
  • Stone Textures and Finishes: Stones may come in finishes that are raw, honed, or polished. The form can be applied by etching and engraving, too. Stone tiles are often being sealed against spills, which can discolor their natural beauty. Discuss where you intend to place a stone tile and decide if it can be held raw, covered, or sharpened or painted. Keep in mind the smooth and polished stone will be more porous than usual, but if the application is not on a surface, it may be perfect.

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Learn Your Stone to Make Best Choice: The stone itself will ultimately determine the characteristics of the tiles. The sizes, stiffness, porosity, and SCOF of different stone forms can get easily looked up. Compare them with the same products the seller advertises. Finally, to complete the look, you need to ensure you have a true color for your lot of material and the correct design or finish. Keep in mind that if the project is around water, it can restrict the stone styles and finishes you are using, so people don’t end up falling on a wet floor. Nevertheless, even with artistic choices such as gravure or etching, most stones can include more grit.