Home Authors Posts by Connor Waldo

Connor Waldo

Connor Waldo
Hey, My name is Connor Waldo. I'm a freelance writer. I write about Home design, improvements, craft, and more.

How To Ensure Your Home Is Great For Your Pets?

Pets are man's best friend. You can always spend some quality time with your pet throughout the day. Pets will never leave your side...

Roughcasting: Simply the Best Rendering There Is

If your exterior walls are rendered, you will already know that is provides effective protection, and if you are lucky enough to have discovered...

Reasons Every Business Should Invest In Commercial Cleaning Services

If you run a business and you find it utterly challenging to keep your office squeaky clean, invest in commercial cleaning service. The first...

The Main Benefits Of Vinyl Floor Tiles

If you are thinking about buying a new home or if you are carrying out the renovation or restoration of an existing structure, then...

Benefits Of Bluetooth Trackers That You Should Know Of Before Buying...

If you have the habit of losing your wallet, keys, phone, or even the TV remote at home, then you need a device that...

The 3 Ways To Create Additional Space In Or Around Your...

We always assume that our homes will be big enough into our retirement, but before we are even half way there, we realise that...

Improve Your Garden Area By Carrying Out A Landscaping Project

Most residential properties have an outdoor area where people can choose to spend a significant period of time. However, many people look at their...

Increasing Property Value with a New Driveway

Like it or not, first impressions do count, and if you are in the process of putting your Cornwall home on the market you...

Why People Prefer Concrete Grinding And Polishing

One of the ways in which you can provide an attractive look to your home, office or other establishments is the concrete grinding and...

Refresh Your Home with a Garden Overhaul

If your lawn is looking a little overgrown and you’d like to give it some much needed TLC, professional landscape and gardening professionals provide...