Home Home Improvement Why Choose Fiber Optic Cabling?

Why Choose Fiber Optic Cabling?

Fiber Optic Cabling

Communication technology is ever-changing. Today, almost everyone in society uses a mobile device that’s connected to the internet. To ensure seamless communication, the hardware network of towers and cables must keep up with these rising demands. Fiber optic cables are one of the many technologies that are used to keep the system running. Many experts suggest that fiber optic cables are substantially higher than other kinds of cabling. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Bandwidth

Standard copper wire cables are excellent for voice communication & telephone lines. Relative to advanced internet communication, they require lower bandwidth and speed. Low bandwidth makes this form of cabling inadequate for extensive internet usage. This is why ISPs have started using fiber optic cables. They are available in two types – single-mode fiber and multimode fiber. Singlemode cables can transmit double the throughput.

2. Speed

Relative to copper cables, fiber optic cables are significantly faster. They can transmit information through the light at 31% of the speed of light. On the other hand, standard copper wire like Cat5 or Cat6 cannot keep up with this speed. Besides rapid communication, data degeneration is limited.

3. Distance

The average length of traditional copper wires is roughly 328 feet. This affects the capacity as well as the flexibility of the network. However, fiber optic cables can easily carry data with minimal degeneration over longer distances. A single-mode cable can easily transmit data over 25 miles. This is more practical and helps save a lot of money as well.

4. Cost

Its higher initial investment can often deter buyers. However, this higher investment on fiber optic cables pays off in the future. Besides its durability, it requires relatively low maintenance by fiber optic contractors and doesn’t need to be replaced frequently. Its lower operating expense provides many long term advantages.

5. Pull Pressure

Although copper cables are incredibly resilient, they cannot handle the higher pull pressure that fiber optic cables can. They’re most likely to snap inside the casting, which in turn can affect data transfer and connectivity. Conversely, fiber optic cables can endure more pull pressure, and will not break under pressure.

6. Reliability

Fiber optic cables are highly-resilient to changes in temperature. They can withstand moisture, heat, storms, and excessive cold. Despite terrible weather conditions, they will continue to transmit data, making them far more reliable than standard networks.

7. No Electric Current

There’s no electric current in these cables as data is transmitted via light. This makes them immune to electromagnetic interference. Besides, there’s no risk of electrocution, making them safer to repair or replace.

8. Safe

The signal that’s transmitted through a copper cable radiates beyond the wire. This enables people to tap it with proper equipment. In the case of fiber optic cables, information is confined within the core channel, which prevents light from escaping. As there’s zero radiation, there’s no need for people to tap it, making this system safer and perfect for business installations.

9. Easy Installation

Compared to copper cables, fiber optic cables are considerably easier to install by fiber optic contractors. Based on the scale of the project, skilled technicians can quickly complete the installation process within a few hours. Although the installation of copper cables isn’t too tricky, it requires a lot more effort.

Besides, fiber optic cables improve the speed and performance of a network by a significant margin. They are affordable, convenient, and easy to maintain, which is why many people have decided to upgrade their existing system and make the switch to fiber optic cables. It’s essential to hire experienced and proven fiber optic contractors for these jobs.